


In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.

  • Francisco Navarrete
    Panelist of: The attoscience of solids ("Battle" 2)
    Quantum Battles in Attoscience, 29.06.2023
  • Dieter Bauer
    Harmonic generation, topology, and interaction
    Quantum Battles in Attoscience, 29.06.2023
  • Helena Drüecke, Dieter Bauer
    Steering Edge Currents through a Floquet-Topological Insulator
    European Group on Atomic Systems 54, 19.06.2023
  • Helena Drüecke, Dieter Bauer
    Interaction-Induced Directional Transport on Driven Coupled Chains
    APS March Meeting 2023, 22.03.2023
  • Francisco Navarrete, Dieter Bauer
    The N-shaped partition method: A novel parallel implementation of the Crank Nicolson algorithm
    SAMOP 2023, 08.03.2023
  • Samuel Schöpa, Dieter Bauer
    Influence of laser properties on the high-order harmonic generation process in benzene
    SAMOP 2023, 08.03.2023
  • Hannah Jürß, Dieter Bauer
    Dephasing effects in high-order harmonic generation from finite Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains
    SAMOP 2023, 08.03.2023
  • Helena Drüeke, Dieter Bauer
    Interaction-Induced Directional Transport on Driven Coupled Chains
    SAMOP 2023, 08.03.2023
  • Francisco Navarrete
    Long-range order effects on the HHG spectra from solids
    Extreme Atomic Systems, 14.02.2023, Riezlern, Austria
  • Helena Drüeke
    Interaction-Induced Directional Transport on Periodically Driven Coupled Chains
    Extreme Atomic Systems, 13.02.2023, Riezlern, Austria


In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.




In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.




In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.




In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.




In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker (the speakers) is (are) typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.

  • D. Bauer, M. Brics, V. Kapoor, J. Rapp
    Correlated strong-field electron dynamics with as few orbitals as possible
    Intnl. Workshop on Atomic Physics, Nov. 25-29, 2013, MPI-PKS, Dresden, Germany

  • D. Bauer
    Der Weg in die Wissenschaft
    Physik-Alumni Rostock e.V. "Physik-Diplom - und jetzt?", 23.11.2013, Rostock  

  • J. Rapp, D. Bauer
    Effects of inner electrons on atomic strong-field ionization
    Workshop "Common challenges in finite fermion systems", SUNY at Buffalo, USA, Nov. 6-9, 2013

  • D. Bauer, M. Brics, V. Kapoor, J. Rapp
    Intense laser-matter interaction using TDDFT: why it hardly works in practice, and how to go beyond
    Workshop "Common challenges in finite fermion systems", SUNY at Buffalo, USA, Nov. 6-9, 2013

  • R. Mahnke, J. Kaupuzs, M. Brics
    Air Traffic, Boarding and Scaling Exponents
    Traffic and Granular Flow'13 (TGF'13), Jülich, Germany, 25-27 September

  • H. Weber, R. Mahnke, J. Kaupuzs
    From Random Walker to Vehicular Traffic: Motion on a Circle
    Traffic and Granular Flow'13 (TGF'13), Jülich, Germany, 25-27 September

  • T.V. Liseykina, D. Bauer
    Plasma-formation dynamics in intense laser-droplet interaction
    LPHYS'13, Prague, Czech Republic,  July 15-19, 2013

  • D. Bauer, M. Brics
    Time-dependent natural orbital theory applied to correlated strong-field phenomena
    LPHYS'13, Prague, Czech Republic,  July 15-19, 2013

  • Th. Keil, D. Bauer
    Time-dependent density functional calculations of enhanced fast electron emission from laser-irradiated sodium clusters
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Hannover, 18-22.03.2013

  • V. Kapoor, M. Brics, D. Bauer
    Decay of autoionizing states in time-dependent density functional and reduced density matrix functional theory
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Hannover, 18-22.03.2013


In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.



In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.

  • Tatyana Liseykina, Dieter Bauer
    Plasma formation and ionization dynamics in intense laser-droplet interaction
    Seminarvortrag, Università di Pisa, Italy, 24.11.2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Attosecond screening dynamics of core-holes in clusters: a TDDFT perspective
    Clustertreffen 2011, Burg Rothenfels, 25.9.-30.9.2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Attosecond screening of core-holes in real-time
    CERF 2011, September 12-16, 2011, Rostock, Germany

  • Dieter Bauer, Tian-Min Yan, Sergey Popruzhenko, Marc Vrakking
    Strong field quantum dynamics beyond the strong field approximation
    LPHYS '11, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 11-15, 2011

  • Y. Huismans, A. Rouzée, A. Gijsbertsen, J.H. Jungmann, A.S. Smolkowska, P.S.W.M. Logman, F. Lépine, C. Cauchy, S. Zamith, T. Marchenko, J.M. Bakker, G. Berden, B. Redlich, A.F.G. van der Meer, H.G. Muller, W. Vermin, K.J. Schafer, M. Spanner, M.Yu. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, D. Bauer, S.V. Popruzhenko, M.J.J. Vrakking
    Photoelectron holography
    LPHYS '11, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 11-15, 2011

  • A. Pálffy, H.M. Castañeda Cortés, S.V. Popruzhenko, D. Bauer
    Laser-assisted tunneling of quasistationary states
    LPHYS '11, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 11-15, 2011

  • Dieter Bauer, Tian-Min Yan, Sergey Popruzhenko, Marc Vrakking
    Attosecond strong field quantum dynamics beyond the strong field approximation
    Third International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO3), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, July 6-8, 2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Quantum orbits in strong-field ionization: ultimate insight into quantum dynamics
    Symposium, AMOLF Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17.06.2011

  • Dieter Bauer and Stefan Lochbrunner
    Die wundersame Welt der Quanten: ... und Er würfelt doch!
    Samstagsuniversität, Uni Rostock, 7. Mai 2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Multiple ionization of atoms by FEL radiation: a time-dependent density functional perspective
    Hauptvortrag, DPG Frühjahrstagung Kiel, 28.-31. März 2011

  • Tatyana Liseykina and Dieter Bauer
    Interplay between ionization, pulse propagation and particle acceleration in intense laser-matter interaction
    DPG Frühjahrstagung Kiel, 28.-31. März 2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Quantum orbits in strong field ionization
    Seminar within the Máster y Doctorado en Física y Tecnología de los Láseres program, 25. March 2011, University of Salamanca, Spain

  • Dieter Bauer
    Intense Laser-Atom Interaction I-III
    Guest lectures within the Máster y Doctorado en Física y Tecnología de los Láseres program, 22.-24. March 2011, University of Salamanca, Spain

  • Varun Kapoor, Dieter Bauer
    On the applicability of the Floquet theorem to TDDFT
    DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011

  • Tian-Min Yan, Sergey Popruzhenko, Marc Vrakking, Dieter Bauer
    Low-energy structures in strong field ionization revealed by quantum orbits
    DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 13. - 18. März 2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Matter in intense laser fields: from Coulomb corrections via correlation to collectivity
    Graduate School "Physics with new coherent radiation sources" Colloquium, Universität Hamburg, 08.02.2011

  • Dieter Bauer
    Materie im Lichte sehr starker Laser - von Quantenbahnen, Plasmonen und schnellen Teilchen
    Physik-Kolloquium, Universität Greifswald, 13.01.2011


In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.

  • Dieter Bauer, Varun Kapoor, V. Mosert
    Simulation of quantum dynamics in strong laser fields using density functional theory
    SFB 652 Workshop, Plau am See, 30.09. - 01.10.2010

  • Dieter Bauer
    Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches from Laser-Illuminated Droplets
    EMMI workshop "Particle dynamics under extreme matter conditions", Speyer, Germany, September 26-29, 2010

  • Dieter Bauer
    Intense Laser-Atom Interaction: the Strong Field Approximation and Beyond
    Schnede Seminar (Prof. Morgner, Hannover), September 13, 2010

  • Y.Huismans, A.Rouzée, A. Gijsbertsen, J. Jungmann, A. Smolkowska, P.Logman, F. Lépine, C. Cauchy, S. Zamith, T. Marchenko, J. Bakker, G. Berden, B. Redlich, L. van der Meer, H.G. Muller, W. Vermin, K.J. Schafer, O. Smirnova, D. Bauer, S. Prophuzhenko, M.J.J. Vrakking
    Strong field holography, following dynamics on the ultrafast timescale
    ICONO/LAT 2010, Kazan, Russia, August 23-27, 2010

  • S.V. Popruzhenko, Tian-Min Yan, and D. Bauer
    On the Origin of the "Low Energy Structure" in Strong-Field Ionization
    ICONO/LAT 2010, Kazan, Russia, August 23-27, 2010

  • S.V. Popruzhenko, V.D. Mur, V.S. Popov, and D. Bauer
    Strong Field Ionization Rate for Arbitrary Laser Frequencies
    ICONO/LAT 2010, Kazan, Russia, August 23-27, 2010

  • T.V. Liseykina, S. Pirner, and D. Bauer
    Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches from Laser-Illuminated Droplets
    ICONO/LAT 2010, Kazan, Russia, August 23-27, 2010

  • Dieter Bauer
    Heller als Milliarden Sonnen: Wie die stärksten Laser der Welt Materie bewegen
    science@sail, Rostock, 07.08.2010

  • Dieter Bauer
    Quantum Trajectories in Strong Field Ionization
    FNP IV, Nizhny Novgorod - St.-Petersburg, Russia, July 13-20, 2010

  • T.V. Liseykina, S. Pirner, and D. Bauer
    Electron acceleration in laser-illuminated droplets
    37. EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, 21-25 June 2010

  • Sonja Lorenzen, August Wierling, Heidi Reinholz, Gerd Röpke, Mark C. Zammit, Dmitry V. Fursa and Igor Bray
    Quantum-statistical approach to line broadening of hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions in dense plasmas
    20th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, St. John's, Canada, June 6-22, 2010

  • Dieter Bauer
    Quantum Trajectory-Based Coulomb-Corrections in Strong-Field Ionization
    CECAM Workshop "Advances in Strong-Field and Attosecond Physics", University College London, UK, 23-25.06.2010

  • Dieter Bauer
    Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches from Laser-Illuminated Droplets
    DAMOP 2010 Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, May 25-29

  • Andrea Sengebusch
    Characteristic X-ray lines of WDM: A diagnostic tool for plasma physics
    Doktorandenkolloquium 6.5.2010, Graduiertenkolleg SFB 652, Rostock

  • Dieter Bauer
    Heller als Milliarden Sonnen: Wie die stärksten Laser der Welt Materie bewegen
    Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2010, Rostock, 29.04.2010

  • Michael Ruggenthaler and Dieter Bauer
    Effective potentials in a density functional theory via local force equations
    DPG Frühjahrstagung 2010, Hannover, Germany, 08.-12.03.2010

  • Andrea Sengebusch, Heidi Reinholz und Gerd Röpke
    Warm dense matter modification of K-line emission profiles
    DPG Frühjahrstagung 2010, Hannover, Germany, 8.-12.3.2010

  • Sonja Lorenzen, August Wierling, Heidi Reinholz, and Gerd Röpke
    Self-energy calculations for pressure broadening of spectral lines in
    dense plasmas

    DPG Frühjahrstagung 2010, Hannover, Germany, 08.-12.3.2010


In case of multiple authors the speaker is typeset in bold.

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Matter exposed to strong lasers: quantum orbits, plasmons, and fast particles
    Universität Linz, Physikalisches Kolloquium
    , 03.12.2009

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Materie im Lichte sehr starker Laser - von Quantenbahnen, Plasmonen und schnellen Elektronen

    Antrittsvorlesung, Universität Rostock, 12.11.2009

  • Michael Ruggenthaler,
    Time-dependent density functional theory for intense laser matter interaction
    04.11.2009, Bothe-Kolloquium, MPI-K, Heidelberg

  • Michael Ruggenthaler,
    Time-dependent density functional theory applied to laser matter interaction, 13.10.2009,
    Seminar, Universität Rostock

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Laser-Generated Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches

    SILAP 2009
    , September 21-23, Zion National Park, USA

  • T.V. Liseykina, S. Pirner, and D. Bauer,
    Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches from Laser-Illuminated Droplets

    , July 13 - July 17, 2009, Barcelona, Spain

  • P. Mulser and D. Bauer,
    Anharmonic resonance in intense laser-matter interaction and tailoring of the fast electron spectrum

    , May 24 - 29, 2009, Frascati, Italy

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Matter in intense laser fields: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity

    Seminar "Nonequilibrium Many-Body Systems", Universität Halle, 11. May 2009

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Harmonic Generation and Particle Acceleration in Clusters and Droplet
    Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, April 2, 2009

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Atoms and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields

    Hauptvortrag, Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2. - 6. March 2009, Hamburg, Germany

  • Michael Ruggenthaler and Dieter Bauer,
    Resonant dynamics in time-dependent density functional theory?

    Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2. - 6. March 2009, Hamburg, Germany

  • Dieter Bauer and Sergey Popruzhenko,
    Coulomb-corrections for strong field ionization using quantum trajectories

    Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2. - 6. March 2009, Hamburg, Germany

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Matter in intense laser fields: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity
    Seminar talk, IOQ, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 13. February 2009

  • Dieter Bauer,
    Atoms and clusters in strong laser pulses: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity

    Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 22. January 2009