Professor Dr. Dieter Bauer

- Darmstadt University of Technology
(Dipl.-Phys. 1995, Dr. rer. nat. 1997)
- Darmstadt University of Technology (2002)
- University of Heidelberg (2005)
Present position
- Full Professor (W3 chair), Institute of Physics, University of Rostock
Past positions at
- Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
- Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany
- University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
- Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland
- TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Spokesperson of the DFG collaborative research center 1477 "Light-Matter Interactions at Interfaces" (01/2022-)
- Dean of Studies, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Uni Rostock (10/2014-9/2018)
- Member of IUPAP Commission C15 (01/2018-)
- Head of the Atomic Physics Division of the German Physical Society (4/2014-3/2016)
- Call to Full Professorship (W3 chair) for Theoretical Physics at Düsseldorf University (2010, declined)
- Heisenberg Fellowship of the German Science Foundation (2003-2008)
- Recognized as "Outstanding Referee" by the American Physical Society
- "Outstanding Reviewer Award 2016" by the Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Physical Review A Editorial Board Member (01/2017-12/2019, reappointed 01/2019-12/2022)
Fields of interest
- Time-dependent quantum many-body techniques, intense laser-matter interaction, computational physics