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- D. Bauer, P. Mulser,
Vollrelativistischer Lichtdruck auf Einzelladung,
23.02.95, DPG Frühjahrstagung Plasmaphysik 1995, Innsbruck, Austria
- D. Bauer, P. Mulser, and H. Ruhl,
Plasma Formation and Laser Pulse Absorption at High Intensities,
13.09.95, German-Japanese Workshop on Femtosecond Lasers and High-Intensity Applications, MPQ Garching, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Ionisation Dynamics in Strong and Short Laser Pulses,
26.09.95, CECAM Workshop on the Interaction of Short Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses with Plasmas, Lyon, France
- D. Bauer, P. Mulser,
Schnelle Feldionisation in starken Laserpulsen,
11.03.96, DPG Frühjahrstagung Quantenoptik 1996, Jena, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Quantum Mechanical and Classical Ionization in Strong Laser Fields,
Oct. 19 - 23, 1996, SILASI 1996 Workshop, Rolduc, Kerkrade, The Netherlands
- D. Bauer, P. Mulser,
Mehrelektronensysteme in starken Laserpulsen: Sequentielle und kohärente Ionisation,
03.-06.03.1997, DPG Frühjahrstagung Atomphysik 1997, Mainz, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Single and double ionization of a two-electron model atom in a strong and short laser pulse,
March. 22-25, 1997,SILASI 1997 Workshop I, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
- D. Bauer,
Dynamik der Feldionisation im intensiven Laserpuls,
15. Mai 1997, Seminar Materie im elektromagnetischen Feld, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Dynamik der Feldionisation im starken Laserpuls,
03. Juni 1997, Kolloquium im Institut für Angewandte Physik, TH Darmstadt, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Dynamik der Feldionisation im intensiven Laserpuls,
14. Juli 1997, Promotionsvortrag, TH Darmstadt, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Numerische Behandlung der Feldionisation wasserstoffähnlicher Ionen und nicht-sequentielle Ionisation,
Arbeitstagung der Laser-Plasma-Gruppe des MPI für Quantenoptik auf Schloss Ringberg, 21.-25.07.1997, Tegernsee, Germany
- D. Bauer,
PIC-simulations of laser interaction with thin foils ,
October 4, 1997, SILASI 1997 Workshop II, Pisa, Italy
- D. Bauer,
Intense laser pulse-solid interaction ,
October 28, 1997, Advanced Energy Systems Monthly Meeting, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
- D. Bauer, P. Mulser, and R. Salomaa
Schnelles optisches Schalten durch Plasmabildung auf sub-fs-Zeitskala ,
09.-13.03.1998, DPG Frühjahrstagung Plasmaphysik 1998, Bayreuth, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Ultrafast ionization effects,
June 12, 1998, SILASI 1998 Semi-annual Meeting, Espoo, Finland
- D. Bauer, P. Mulser,
Ultrafast ionization: TDSE calculations in intense laser pulse-solid interaction,
July 6th, 1998, 207. WE-Heraeus Seminar "Strong-Field Phenomena", LPHYS'98, Berlin, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Mehrelektronensysteme im starken Laserpuls,
08.12.1998, Seminar talk, Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany
- D. Bauer,
How to treat more-than-one-electron-atoms?,
December 10, 1998, SILASI 1998 Semi Annual Meeting II, London, UK
- D. Bauer,
Quantenmechanische ab initio Simulationen von Atomen in starken Laserfeldern,
17.12.1998, Seminar talk, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Fieldionization studies at TQE,
23.01.1999, SILASI Darmstadt Summit on Collisions & Ionization, Darmstadt, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Ionisation mit kurzen, ultrastarken Laserpulsen: Quantenmechanik jenseits von Störungstheorie,
Fachvortrag am 19.03.1999 im Symposium der Atomphysik "Hochgeladene Ionen", Frühjahrstagung 1999, Heidelberg, Germany
- D. Bauer, F. Ceccherini, and P. Mulser,
Stabilization of a fully correlated two-electron model atom in intense high-frequency laser pulses,
International Conference on "Ultraintense Laser Interactions and Applications 1" (ULIA-1), Elounda, Crete, Greece, May 7-11, 1999
- D. Bauer,
Selektive Erzeugung von Ionen mit intensiven Laserpulsen,
GSI Seminar "Dichte Plasmen erzeugt durch Ionen-Laserstrahlung", May 18, 1999
- D. Bauer, F. Ceccherini, P. Mulser, and F. Cornolti
Stabilization of two-electron systems in intense laser fields,
8th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), July 2-6, 1999, Budapest, Hungary
- P. Mulser and D. Bauer,
The physics of collective absorption and laser field ionization,
Collaboration Workshop on PHELIX Physics, GSI Darmstadt, March 8-9, 2000, Darmstadt, Germany
- D. Bauer,
News from laser-atom studies at TQE and UPI,
30 March - 1 April 2000, SILASISemi-Annual Meeting 2000, Vienna, Austria
- D. Bauer,
Feldionisation auf fs-Zeitskala - Laser-Atom-Wechselwirkung bei hohen Laserintensitäten,
Hauptvortrag am 06.04.2000 auf der DPG Frühjahrstagung 2000, Bonn, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Simulation der Wechselwirkung intensiver Laserfelder mit Ein- und Mehrelektronensystemen,
18. Mai 2000, Seminar Materie im elektromagnetischen Feld, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Many electron-systems in intense laser fields,
09. March 2001, Seminar talk given at the Department of Physics, Pisa University, Pisa, Italy
- D. Bauer and F. Ceccherini,
Nonsequential ionization in strong laser fields: can meanfield studies be meaningful? ,
02. April 2001, DPG Frühjahrstagung and ECAMP VII, 2.-6. April 2001, Berlin, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Mehrelektronensysteme in starken Laserfeldern,
23. May 2001, Seminar des SFB 276, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
- D. Bauer,
Dynamik von Mehrelektronensystemen: Atome und Moleküle in intensiven Laserfeldern,
6. July 2001, Physik-Kolloquium, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
- D. Bauer, F. Ceccherini, and P. Mulser
Mehrelektronenatome in superintensiven Laserfeldern,
6. November 2001, DFG Schwerpunkt-Meeting "Wechselwirkung intensiver Laserfelder mit Materie", Bad Honnef, Germany
- D. Bauer
Dynamical symmetries and harmonic generation,
Atomic Physics and X-ray Free Electron Laser Related Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, December 13 - 15, 2001
- D. Bauer
Intense laser-atom interaction: from the single active electron to collectivity,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 8th, 2002
- D. Bauer
Wechselwirkungsfreie Messungen,
Habilitationsvortrag, TU Darmstadt, 07.06.2002
- D. Bauer, F. Ceccherini, A. Macchi, and F. Cornolti
Multi-color stabilization and harmonic generation in intense laser fields,
LPHYS 2002, July 1-5, 2002, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
- D. Bauer
Plasma formation through field ionization of atoms, molecules, and clusters,
International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology, December 9-14, 2002, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- D. Bauer
Plasma generation in intense laser fields,
PLASMA 2002 - 17th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, December 16-19, 2002, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- D. Bauer
Antrittsvorlesung (inaugural lecture), TU Darmstadt, 06.02.2003
- D. Bauer
Wechselwirkung intensiver Laserstrahlung mit Atomen,
Universität Kassel, 13.02.2003
- D. Bauer
Many-electron systems in intense laser fields,
Seminar talk at Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany, 13.03.2003
- D. Bauer
Dynamical ionization ignition of rare gas clusters in intense and short laser pulses,
LPHYS 2003, Hamburg, Germany, August 25-29
- D. Bauer
Clusters in intense laser fields,
Seminar at the Physics Department, Pisa University, Italy, October 3, 2003
- D. Bauer and A. Macchi
Dynamical ionization ignition of clusters,
Applications of High Field and Short Wavelength Sources X, Biarritz, France, October 12-15, 2003
- D. Bauer
Atoms in strong laser fields,
Department of Physics, University of Windsor, Canada, October 20, 2003
- D. Bauer and A. Macchi
Ionization dynamics of clusters at long and short wavelengths,
Conference on Super Intense Laser Atom Physics SILAP03, Southfork Ranch, Dallas Texas, USA, November 16-19, 2003
- D. Bauer
Clusters in Intense Laser Fields,
GSI Darmstadt, Seminar "Physik dichter Plasmen mit Schwerionen- und Laserstrahlen", 09.12.2003
- D. Bauer
Edelgascluster in intensiven Laserfeldern,
Seminarvortrag, Universität Rostock, 17. Dezember 2003
- D. Bauer
Ionization dynamics of rare gas clusters in intense laser fields,
Max-Born-Institut, Bereichsseminar A, 25.02.2004
- D. Bauer
Ionisationsdynamik von Clustern in Laserfeldern,
DPG Frühjahrstagung, München, Germany, 22.-26.03.2004
- D. Bauer
Rare gas clusters in intense laser fields,
Bothe-Kolloquium am Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany, 05.05.2004
- D. Bauer
Clusters in intense laser fields,
329th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar: Manipulation of Few-Body Quantum Dynamics, 23-26 June 2004, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
- D. Bauer
Atoms and clusters in intense laser fields,
28 September 2004, University of Durham, England
- D. Bauer, D. B. Milosevic, and W. Becker
Above-threshold ionization in few-cycle laser pulses: Comparison between exact numerical solution and quantum orbit theory,
International Workshop on Atomic Physics, Max-Planck-Institute für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, November 29 - December 3, 2004
- D. Bauer, D. B. Milosevic, and W. Becker
Above-threshold ionization in few-cycle laser-pulses and how to extract the relevant quantum orbits,
High-Field Attosecond Physics (HIFAT) 2005, January 9-15, 2005, Obergurgl, Austria
- D. Bauer, D. B. Milosevic, and W. Becker
Above-threshold ionization in few-cycle laser pulses: Extracting quantum orbit information from the full ab initio solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation,
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2005, Berlin, Germany, 4 - 9 March 2005
- D. Bauer
Atoms and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields: from the Single Active Electron to Collective Dynamics,
Seminar "Kondensierte Materie", RWTH Aachen, 12.05.2005
- D. Bauer
Atoms and Clusters in Strong Laser Fields: from the Single Active Electron to Collectivity,
Seminar "Theorie komplexer Systeme", Universität Heidelberg, 16.06.2005
- D. Bauer, D.B. Milošević, and W. Becker (talk delivered by W. Becker)
The strong-field approximation and the choice of gauge,
14th International Laser Physics Workshop, Kyoto, July 4-8, 2005
- Mrityunjay Kundu and D. Bauer (talk delivered by M. Kundu)
Collective energy absorption in intense laser-cluster interaction
14.10.2005, 10th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Orford, Quebec, Canada, October 9th-14th, 2005
- D. Bauer and Mrityunjay Kundu
Collective absorption in laser cluster interaction beyond linear resonance
International Workshop on Atomic Physics, November 28 - December 2, 2005, MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden
- D. Bauer
Emergence of Classical Orbits in Few-Cycle Laser Ionization of Atoms
36th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, January 2-6, 2006, Snowbird, Utah, USA
- Dieter Bauer
Quantum and classical dynamics of finite many-electron systems in intense laser fields
International School of Quantum Electronics, 43rd Course ``Matter in Super-Intense Laser Fields'', Erice, Sicily, Italy, June 27 - July 5, 2006
- M. Kundu and D. Bauer
Energy absorption in the short-pulse laser-cluster interaction
15th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’06) July 24-28, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland
- D. Bauer
Intense laser-atom interaction beyond the single active electron-approximation
Kolloqium für Atom-, Molekül- und Quantenphysik, Uni Heidelberg, 25.10.2006
- D. Bauer and M. Kundu
Collisionless energy absorption by clusters in strong laser fields
Seminar talk, Università di Pisa, 07.12.2006
- D. Bauer
Intense laser-atom interaction: from the single active electron to laser-driven correlated electron dynamics
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA, 22. January 2007
- D. Bauer
Quantendynamik in intensiven Laserfeldern
"PIzzA-Night", Uni Heidelberg, 8. Februar 2007
- D. Bauer
Theory Trends: Ionization Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields
Max-Born-Institut Berlin, Strategietreffen Motzen, 22./23. Februar 2007
- P. Koval, F. Wilken, D. Bauer, and C.H. Keitel
Nonsequential double recombination in intense laser fields
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 19. - 23. März 2007, Düsseldorf, Germany
- D. Bauer
Theoretische Behandlung von Atomen in intensiven Laserfeldern: Starkfeldnäherung, numerische Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödinger-Gleichung und Dichtefunktionaltheorie
Theorie-Seminar, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, 24.04.2007
- D. Bauer, S.V. Popruzhenko, and G.G. Paulus
Above-threshold ionization in an elliptically polarized laser field:
evidence for Coulomb and dichroism effects
16th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'07), August 20-24, 2007, Léon, Mexico
- D. Bauer, S.V. Popruzhenko, and G.G. Paulus
Strong Coulomb-effects in strong-field ionization
Indo-German Meeting on Intense Laser Matter Interactions, October 3-5, 2007, Khandala, India
- D. Bauer
Atome und Cluster in intensiven Laserfeldern
Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Rostock, 19. Oktober 2007
- Dieter Bauer and F. Wilken
Nonsequential double ionization in TDDFT revisited
The Gentner-Minerva Symposium on TDDFT, December 16-21, 2007, Eilat, Israel
- D. Bauer
Quantendynamik in intensiven Laserfeldern
"PIzzA-Night", Uni Heidelberg, 24. Januar 2008
- S.V. Popruzhenko and D. Bauer
Strong-field ionization at arbitrary frequencies
Heraeus Seminar "Novel Light Sources and Applications", February 3-9, 2008, Obergurgl, Austria
- D. Bauer, S.V. Popruzhenko, and M. Ruggenthaler
Recollision-induced excitation of plasmons
Heraeus Seminar "Novel Light Sources and Applications", February 3-9, 2008, Obergurgl, Austria
- Dieter Bauer
Study of strong field quantum dynamics using SFA, TDDFT, and Qprop
Universität Bayreuth, Seminarvortrag, 13.02.08
- D. Bauer
Atoms and molecules in intense laser fields: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, USA, March 6, 2008
- Michael Ruggenthaler and Dieter Bauer
Extended strong-field approximation including collectivity
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 10. - 14. März 2008, Darmstadt, Germany
- Dieter Bauer and Sergey Popruzhenko
Finite-size, geometry, and many-electron effects in strong field ionization
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 10. - 14. März 2008, Darmstadt, Germany
- Dieter Bauer
Few and many-electron systems in intense laser fields — a time-dependent density functional theory perspective
University College London, AMOPP Seminar, June 11, 2008
- Dieter Bauer
Quantum Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields
QUEST-Kolloquium, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, 23. Juni 2008
- Dieter Bauer
Finite-size, geometry, and many-electron effects in strong field ionization
ISTCP VI, Vancouver, Canada, July 19-24, 2008
- Dieter Bauer
TDDFT calculations: Atoms, clusters and correlations
ICOMP 2008, September 18-23, 2008, Heidelberg, Germany
- D. Bauer
Quantendynamik in intensiven Laserfeldern
"PIzzA-Night", Uni Heidelberg, 3. November 2008
- Dieter Bauer
Atoms and clusters in strong laser pulses: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 22. January 2009
- Dieter Bauer
Matter in intense laser fields: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity
Seminar talk, IOQ, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 13. February 2009
- Dieter Bauer and Sergey Popruzhenko
Coulomb-corrections for strong field ionization using quantum trajectories
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2. - 6. March 2009, Hamburg, Germany
- Michael Ruggenthaler and Dieter Bauer
Resonant dynamics in time-dependent density functional theory?
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2. - 6. March 2009, Hamburg, Germany
- Dieter Bauer
Atoms and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields
Hauptvortrag, Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, 2. - 6. March 2009, Hamburg, Germany
- Dieter Bauer
Harmonic Generation and Particle Acceleration in Clusters and Droplets
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, April 2, 2009
- Dieter Bauer
Matter in intense laser fields: from the single active electron via correlation to collectivity
Seminar "Nonequilibrium Many-Body Systems", Universität Halle, 11. May 2009
- T.V. Liseykina, S. Pirner, and D. Bauer
Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches from Laser-Illuminated Droplets
LPHYS09, July 13 - July 17, 2009, Barcelona, Spain