International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2018
During the ceremonious farewell to the graduates in physics in the main building of Rostock University the international student Narendra Aryamehr Reza from Indonesia received his degree Master of Science (MSc) in Physics (see photograph). The director of studies Prof. Oliver Kühn hands over the documents together with the coordinator of the International Program Dr. Reinhard Mahnke.
Photo taken by Thomas Bornath (23.11.2018). Liste aller Absolventen
- 30.10.2018: Herr Reza, Narendra Aryamehr (Indonesien)
- Master-Arbeit: Single-Point and Comparative Method for Comparison of Fluorescence Standards
- Betreuer: Prof. Stefan Lochbrunner
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2017
Ceremonial handover of MSc Degree Certificates "Master of Science in Physics" to the international student Hamad Mushtaq (left) by the coordinator of the International Program MSc in Physics Dr. Reinhard Mahnke (right) together with the director of studies Prof. Fedor Mitschke (not seen).
Photo taken by Thomas Bornath (17.11.2017).
- 13.11.2017: Herr Mushtaq, Hamad (Pakistan)
- Master-Arbeit: Investigations of an Interface between PEEK and NanoBone
- Betreuer: Prof. Thomas Gerber
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2017
Ceremonial handover of MSc Degree Certificates "Master of Science in Physics" to the international student Bahaaeddin Irziqat (middle) together with Dr. Reinhard Mahnke (coordinator of International Program MSc in Physics, right) and dean of studies Prof. Dieter Bauer.
Photo taken by Martins Brics (12.06.2017).
- 04.05.2017: Herr Irziqat, Bahaaeddin (Israel)
- Master-Arbeit: Morphological Properties of Gas-Phase Deposited Molecules on Si(111)-(7x7) Investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Betreuerin: Prof. Sylvia Speller
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2016
Ceremonial handover of MSc Degree Certificates "Master of Science in Physics" to the international students Lawrence Addo, Abdullah Riaz and Mohammed Almassarani together with Dr. Reinhard Mahnke and Prof. Fedor Mitschke (from left to right). Photo taken by Thomas Bornath (17.11.2016).
- 30.09.2016: Herr Addo, Lawrence (Ghana)
- Master-Arbeit: Properties of FAST Sintered Nano-crystalline Titanium-Tantalum Alloy
- Betreuerin: Frau Dr. Kerstin Witte
- 30.09.2016: Herr Riaz, Abdullah (Kuwait)
- Master-Arbeit: Synthesis and Analysis of Fe-Ni Based Systems
- Betreuer: Herr Dr. Wiktor Bodnar
- 03.11.2016: Herr Almassarani, Mohammed (Kuwait)
- Master-Arbeit: Rydberg Electrons in Ions after Intense Laser-induced Coulomb Explosion of Argon Clusters
- Betreuer: Priv.-Doz. Josef Tiggesbäumker
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2015
Snapshot just after the defense of Thesis entitled Plasmonic Nanoparticles Prepared by Nanospere Lithography for Local Exitation of Molecular Aggregates by international Master student Taman Bo hamud (middle) from Syria surrounded by supervisors Prof. Sylvia Speller (right) and Dr. Ingo Barke (left). In the back (left) previous international Master students Mohammad Adel Almajid (Syria) and Martins Brics (Latvia) are present.
Photo taken by Reinhard Mahnke (04.06.2015).
- 04.06.2015: Herr Bohamud, Taman (Syrien)
- Master-Arbeit: Plasmonic Nanoparticles Prepared by Nanospere Lithography for Local Exitation of Molecular Aggregates
- Betreuerin: Prof. Sylvia Speller
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2014
Defense of Master Thesis entitled Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Studies of Nanoscopic Porphyrin Aggregates by international student Vents Valle (left) from Latvia. Final statements and congratulations by supervisors Prof. Sylvia Speller (right) and Dr. Ingo Barke (middle).
Photo taken by Reinhard Mahnke (19.12.2014).
- 19.12.2014: Herr Valle, Vents (Lettland)
- Master-Arbeit: Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Studies of Nanoscopic Porphyrin Aggregates
- Betreuerin: Prof. Sylvia Speller
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2014
Mohammad Adel Almajid (right) from Syria received his certificate "Master of Science in Physics" after successfully passed the Master’s examination. Prof. Oliver Kühn (left), head of Institute of Physics, congratulates.
Photo taken by Martins Brics (08.04.2014).
- 06.02.2014: Herr Almajid, Mohammad Adel (Syrien)
- Master-Arbeit: Coulomb-Volkov Approximation for Above-Threshold Ionization by Few-Cycle Linearly Polarized Laser Pulses
- Betreuer: Prof. Dieter Bauer
International Program 'Master of Science in Physics' 2013
After turning over the final certificate 'Master of Science in Physics' to Sonia Gholami (middle) Prof. Oliver Kühn (Head of Physics Intitute, left) and Dr. Reinhard Mahnke (study advisor, right) congratulate.
Picture taken during the ceremony by Renate Nareyka (21.10.2013).
- 24.09.2013: Frau Gholami, Sonia (Iran)
- Master-Arbeit: Comparison of Nelder-Mead Simplex and Genetic Algorithm Methods for Optimization of Soliton Molecules
- Betreuer: Prof. Fedor Mitschke
Internationaler Studiengang "Master of Science in Physics" 2012
Die feierliche Übergabe der Urkunden und Zeugnisse an die Absolventen der Bachelor-, Master- und Diplom-Studiengänge Physik im Sommersemester 2012 fand am 15. November 2012 im Großen Hörsaal der Physik statt.
Here Janis Aizezers from Latvia (see picture, right-hand side) receives his certificates.
- 19.09.2012: Herr Aizezers, Janis (Lettland)
- Master-Arbeit: Exciton Dynamics in Molecular Aggregates in the Presence of Exciton Annihilation
- Betreuer: Prof. Oliver Kühn
Internationaler Studiengang "Master of Science in Physics"
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